Category Archives: Site Specific

Folia – Film Collaboration with Rachel Strickland

Calculating how short-length cinema might set about to examine the experience of a tree that plays out in year-long cycles, this 24-minute study experiments with polylinear construction and polytemporal scaling of sound and image that were recorded during one 24-hour slice of street life in the span of a city block. 8K video (7680×4320) with 5.1 mix has been downsized to HD (1920×1080) with LtRt audio for this preview.

THE SOCIAL LIVES OF URBAN TREES is work-in-progress name for an experimental video project that merges environmental sensing with observational cinema techniques—inventing a cinéma vérité approach that takes cues from revelations that emerge from ongoing data capture. A series of video portraits of San Francisco street trees will explore the forms and qualities of public spaces created by individual trees, while using small programmable cameras and sensory apparatus to visualize and listen to the trees’ own perspectives regarding their environments and various other inhabitants with whom they share the territory.

In the course of the project, techniques were devised to capture and present actual synchronized production sound for time-lapse visuals. This is most clearly audible at the beginning and at the tail end of this video. It was discovered that multiple-timescale audio of particular events made the presentation more accessible. An example is the car-departure between 2:00 and 2:10. Actual production sound of this moment was placed into the edit at different timescales, and edited to produce an impression of “time-compressed car departure” whereas the actual 60x timecompression sounded more like a clik.

While it began as a piece about the trees specifically, during the audio editing and mixing process, which ultimately included several additional field sound gathering sessions to the location, it became a kind of study of the soundscape of this particular intersection: 24th and Folsom Streets in San Francisco’s Mission District.

You could listen without watching… I won’t tell.

Listen Toward the Ground (a sketch) at ISEA2012

Listen Toward the Ground is a site-specific composed soundscape work, intended for listening to while walking a defined route. Using headphones and a voice-guided tour format, it superimposes a recorded and composed soundscape of oil- and gas-field infrastructure onto the soundscape of downtown Albuquerque New Mexico. Drifting fragments of voices knit the personal side of oilfield life into the industrial.

The usually unseen and unheard landscape of energy extraction is brought into parallel with the daily world in which we live our lives.

At ISEA2012, visitors could check out a sound player and headphones and take the self-guided walk.

Oilfield Aerial Image
Aerial image of oil and gas fields of Northwest New Mexico. Wellheads marked in red.
Well pad near Aztec, New Mexico
Well pad near Aztec, New Mexico
Jeremiah Moore and Jordan Sawyer checking out sound players at ISEA 2012, in downtown Albuquerque
Jeremiah Moore and Jordan Sawyer checking out sound players at ISEA 2012, in downtown Albuquerque

Video Walk-through

The sound in this video consists of the program audio, overlaid with audio recorded during the video shoot of the walk.

Headphones or quality speakers recommended.

Listen Toward the Ground (Albuquerque) for ISEA2012 – Video Walk Through


The concept was originated for as-yet undeveloped GPS-driven show-control format, allowing the walk to be guided without the vocal signposting.

If you are in Albuquerque

The walk begins at the Northeast corner of Sixth and Central.  Go there and press play.

The route:



[ or download mp3 file ]


Concept, sound design and composition, recording and mix by Jeremiah Moore.  The recording contains musical improvisation by Friends of the Tank: Max Bernstein, Mark McCoin, Jeremiah Moore, Bruce Odland.  The Tank is a developing sonic arts space in western Colorado, learn more at

Created for ISEA2012 Machine Wilderness, the convention of the International Symposium on Electronic Arts.  Thanks to 516Arts and Bay Area Sound Ecology.


Thanks to Jordan Sawyer and Jessie Hudson, Andrew Roth, Jim McKee and Moment Soundscape Group, Jorge Bachmann, Aaron Ximm, Andrea Williams, Daniel Sawyer, Jerry Sawyer, Abigail Sawyer, Andrea Polli.

Headphones courtesy ME-DI-ATE.NET and Project Soundwave.
Affiliated with Bay Area Sound Ecology, a chapter of American Society for Acoustic Ecology and WFAE, the World Forum for Acoustic Ecology.